Category Archives: Emma Jacket

Emma Jacket is Finished!


Pattern: Emma Jacket
Yarn: 11.5 skeins of Knit Picks Shamrock in Doyle
Gauge: 4 sts = 1 inch stockinette stitch
Needles: US 9 29″ circular, five US 9 double pointed
Modifications: None
Techniques Used: Steeking and Double Knitting (purely optional)

So, this pattern gave me a headache in the beginning of the knitting and it generally gave me a few more headaches before I finished it. Overall, I am pretty pleased with the jacket. I’ve already worn it out once, soon after I finished it…about 2 weeks ago. I have not had an opportunity with getting an action shot, but soon I will and that will be on display for all to see. This jacket is really warm and it is long enough that I don’t have issues of it hiking up my back (I totally can’t stand that about most jackets and sweaters). To sum it up, the pattern sucked, but I like the end result and I learned a lot of techniques as well as lessons on jacket construction. I really like the way the jacket was constructed. It kept my interest constantly…I struggle with boring knit things. The finishing was soooo very minimal, because, you don’t know it while you are knitting, but the finishing is done while you are knitting it. All I had to do after all the knitting was graft the underarms and block the garment. The I-cord edging really finishes this jacket and makes it a clean looking knit. When my mom saw the jacket on me, she couldn’t believe I knitted it…if that gives you an idea of how great the end result is.

This is not a jacket where someone will ask you if you knit it. So, 2 thumbs down on the pattern presentation, 2 thumbs up on the finished product!

The Neverending Emma Jacket and the Gray Flannel Purse

OK, this jacket is taking forever! This might be because I had to take a break from it for a few days…I was at the SWE conference (Society of Women Engineers), so the little time I had to knit on the plane to and from Nashville, TN…I picked a small project that I could knit a good deal of, The Gray Flannel Purse from Pursenalities.

Anyhow, I survived the steeking stage of this pattern and now I am on to finishing the seed stitch lapels. The seed stitch isn’t going as slowly as I thought, but the lapels are taking up about just as much knitting as the body section of the pattern, which I really didn’t think about before starting this project.

Remember how I said that I reread each section 10 times so I could get it right….well, I still didn’t get it right on the lapels and had to rip back and start all over. Apparently, my I-cord detail before the seed stitch was inside out because I started on the opposite side I was supposed to start on…so after I ripped back, I just decided to purl instead of knit for that part. All is well now. I have started the increasing on the second lapel, so hopefully that part will be done by the weekend and I’ll be able to add the final I-cord accent to it and I can wash and block the damn jacket. It seems like it has taken forever to knit. Quite possibly because I had to visit the frog pond on more than a few occassions, which is not entirely my fault.

I also plan to finish up the Gray Flannel purse…why I stopped the production on that is because simply, I ran out of yarn. It seems that you need two balls of Cascade 220, not one, like the pattern calls for. Although I did a bit of substituting for the yarns I was to carry with the Cascade 220 so, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. I’m hoping I can stop by the LYS sometime tomorrow so I can get that last ball, so I can finish this project this weekend as well. I am eager to finish my first felting project.

Then I think I will be on to knit Snow White. That pattern has been calling me for months! Its time to give it a go…eventhough I should probably start on Tubey first, since that yarn has been sitting in my stash longer than the Snow White yarn and is not packaged as tightly and neatly as the Snow White yarn is. At any rate, I’ve got atleast a week to him and haw about it until I have to make my decision on what to knit next. Maybe I will attempt to knit them simultaneously. Then my couch would erupt in yarn twice as much as it has been…which would make the hubby batty…it could be fun, it could be disasterous!

Emma Jacket

The Emma Jacket is a pattern from KnitPicks that I’ve been inspired to knit. There are a few reasons I chose this project. It uses more grafting, so I get more practice at a rather newly learned technique for me and it uses steeks, which is an entirely new area for me to explore.

Steeks are when you knit extra stitches in a row with the intention of cutting a vertical line between the middle stiches. So, after you knit to the amount desired, you secure the steek stitches in either one of three ways (hand sewing, machine sewing, or crocheting) on either side of the steek stitch that you are going to cut through. I used the crochet steeking method, because I don’t own a sewing machine and my hand knitting is terrible. The beautiful thing about steeking is that it leaves this clean straight edge to work with and makes things look more tailored and finished than having knitted and sewn seams. Yesterday, I cut my steek and if I had taken that bet with my coworker, I would have won 5 bucks, because the crocheted steeks held perfectly. If you want to see more about steeks, I suggest Eunny Jang’s Steeking Chronicles, she has a number of different methods you can use for steeking. After reading those chronicles, you have much more confidence about cutting into that labor of love you’ve been knitting.

Another technique that I chose to learn in this pattern, although it didn’t require this technique to complete this pattern is double knitting. I mentioned briefly in a previous post that I double knitted my sleeves. Quite frankly, I get second sock and second sleeve syndrome and I really detest knitting the same thing twice…it just makes things boring. I have never learned the magic loop method, but I have been quite intrigued over double knitting lately. So, what better time to learn than now? I used a tutorial over at Knitty that explained how to do double knitting and more importantly how to use the technique to knit two objects instead of one thick reversible stockinette object.

Here is what my sleeves looked like while knitting them:

Looks just like I only have one sleeve on the needle…tricky!
But, when I take a break and make sure I haven’t crossed any stitches (which I did cross stitches a couple of times, but still this was pretty good considering it was my first shot at this technique), this is what the “single” sleeve looks like.

The sleeve is over on the right and now you can see two sleeves with the same apex. On the left is the body of the jacket, before joining the sleeves and before steeking…one big tube!
So, the double knitting thing was pretty cool. I didn’t get my single sleeve syndrome and my knitting moved along. My next step on this Emma Jacket is to knit the lapels. Hopefully, that goes quickly, its seed stitch, so it won’t go as fast as stockinette would, but it will introduce an interesting texture into the garment and that was the part that attracted me the most about the look of this jacket. The second thing that attracted me to this jacket was the yarn…KnitPicks Shamrock. From a distance, this jacket will look dark brown in color, but when right up-close and personal, you’ll see specks of colors of blue, white, and orange. The yarn has a hand-dyed, color changing ply mixed in with the solid brown plies. So, it introduces an interesting dimension to the garment.

This pattern gave me quite a few headaches in the beginning and every step I encounter, I reread about 10 times before moving forward, just so I can avoid any headaches. So, if you plan to pursue this pattern, take note and read very carefully.